CMR_DAT FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Questions and comments regarding the DiabloSport data logging tools.

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CMR_DAT FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Post by johnc »

Announcement: DataViewer 3.1 now supports log download and viewing!

As of version, this is brand new support for CMR_DAT Predators and previously saved logs. Unless you absolutely need the live data streaming straight to your PC, you should be using the DataViewer instead of CMR_DAT.

Q: Where can I find the current version of CMR DAT?

CMR DAT 2.0.0 Installer Download

Q: I am getting endless "unsupported operation" errors when I open a log file.

1. Right click on the following link and select "Save Link As..." or "Save File As...": Chart Control
2. Save it into the directory that CMR_DAT is installed into.
3. Double click on chart.bat, which should already be in that directory.
4. Run CMR_DAT again and open one of your log files.

Q: I can download a log from my Predator, but when I try to open the log file the application crashes.

Your Predator is probably still set up for the 102 version log format. Try installing CMR DAT version 102 and try that with your log files.

Q: I am having problems getting CMR_DAT to communicate with my Predator...

CMR_DAT is several years old, is being phased out, and will be replaced on all Predators with the new 3.1 DataViewer. That being said, there is no set timetable for when a specific Predator will be supported. CMR_DAT is given away for free, so it tends to take the back seat to our other pay-for softwares.

Check This Post for part numbers supported by the 3.1 DataViewer. Use this application instead of CMR_DAT if you can.

Q: How do I change the COM port for my USB to Serial cable?

1. Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
2. Double click the System icon to open up your System Properties window.
3. Click Hardware and then Device Manager in the System Properties window.
4. Open up Ports (COM & LPT) and look for your USB device and COM port setting.

if the COM port listed for the USB device is out of range, you will need to reassign the adapter's COM port setting. To do this, click Port Settings and then Advanced. You should then be able to select the COM port (1, 2, 3, or 4) being careful not to select a COM port already in use on your computer.

Q: If you are having issues, try the following (in order):

1. Make sure your Predator is up-to-date by checking the revision against the revision available on the downloads page for your Predator: Downloads

2. If you have not done so, take a gander at the CMR_DAT Manual: CMR_DAT_200_manual.pdf

3. Under Options -> Port Settings, make sure you have the correct COM port selected for your Predator. You can check this under Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System. Open the Device Manager. Look under Ports. Try running CMR_DAT with the Port Settings set to each of your available COM ports in turn. If your COM port is numbered higher than 6 you will have to re-configure your port to use a lower number.

4. Under Options -> Port Settings, select the 57600 baud rate and try again.

5. Try doing a Live Table Reset on the Predator menu. You will find this under Diagnostics -> Real Time Data -> Live Table Reset.

6. If you are running Windows Vista and using a USB-to-Serial cable, run Windows Update repeatedly until there are no more updates available. Hopefully this will install updated drivers for your USB-to-Serial Converter.

7. Again, if you are using Windows Vista, CMR_DAT not run under a restricted Vista user account. Attempting to do so will result in a runtime error from the MSVC runtime library, probably when it tries to access the serial port.

For the users reporting that the application will not run at all under Vista, this is very likely their issue.

For the users who have serial ports, a possible workaround may be as follows:

7.A: Modify your user account to have Administrative privileges.

7.B: Right-click on the CMR_DAT icon and select "Run as administrator". You will need to know an Administrative account username and password for this to work.

7.C: Find the CMR_DAT.exe in the folder you installed it to. Right click on the CMR_DAT file, click "Properties". Find Compatibility and set the compatibility for XP.

8. The old Predator live data protocol is supported by dynojet, mustang, and innovate software. You might try one of these other options if your needs are immediate.