Predator U7194 updates

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Predator U7194 updates

Post by imcgyver »

Hello I have a Predator U7191 with U7194-9r23 update in it I also have 9r26, 27, 29 and 31 croms downloaded and saved, can I go straight to 9r31 update on my Predator or others in between, do I need to unlock it to update or?
I have a 2008 Silverado with the 87 tune in it now with AFM off and 550 RPM in Drive.
Thank you for your time and response. Ron
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Re: Predator U7194 updates

Post by mikel »

let me help your sanity.
leave it alone.
the only changes between those revisions is to add support for some new cals from 15 years ago. If its working now, there is no good reason to update it.
There are some that cant go straight to the latest, and i don't want to see you get the device in a state where we need to figure out what to reload to get it going, when in the end, nothing will change anyhow :)
Mike Litsch
DiabloSport Brand Manager
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